Tuesday, March 15, 2011



In today’s society robots are being more and more used. NASA has come up with a robot called Robonaut 2 or also known as R2. R2 weighs about 300 pounds and only consists of a torso, a head, and two arms. It was launched into space on the Discovery, which just so happens to be Discovery’s final launch. As of March 3, 2011, President Obama had called into the International Space Station wondering how the R2 was working but what he found out was that it still has not even been unpackaged onboard. GM believed that using the innovative machinery could contribute astronauts in risky space operations and possibly help automotive plants build safer vehicles faster.

GM came up with this robot to help humans in space to be more proficient and advanced. The Robot is programmed to work alongside humans in today’s society. Knowing this I don’t think that there will be anymore Neal Armstrong or any other human being in space, now it will be Robonaut 2. So eventually there will be no need for human astronauts to even be in space.

Now days automotive plants are starting to use robots instead of human. They have robots now that make each individual door frame. Also they have an assembly line for making the motor in each step. One of the most technological advanced robots is called the Unimate. The Unimate took hot die-castings from machines and which tact the frame of the car together in just a few minutes. Now robots in the automotive plants can assemble a whole car in about 90 hours.

Robots today have been blamed for killing thousands of good-paying manufacturing jobs because you don’t have to pay them and they don’t have to take breaks. In Detroit there are so many jobs that have been lost due to the help and runnings of robots in automotive factories now. American companies need to install even more robots to remain competitive and keep additional jobs from fleeing to China, Mexico and other low-cost countries. American jobs are already competing against China now with all Wal-Mart’s business with China; that itself is already putting people out of jobs and shutting down factories. There is more than 1 million industrial robots in use worldwide, but only 20 percent of them are even used United States. Will this be safer to have robots build our cars or will it be another beginning of human lay-offs?


  1. The graphics used on the page of this blog are excellent examples of the topic. The photos are eye catching and appropriate for the subject. The information presented is very interesting and informative. The implementation of robots in the world of business is important and will ultimately have a drastic impact on the number of human employees that will either have or not have a job. Even though robots are not paid as such, they do and will take quite a bit of upkeep and perhaps constant upgrading. The business world will have to compare the amount of pay and benefits given to human’s verses the amount of upkeep that will be imperative for robots and weigh which will ultimately be the most efficient way to go. Sadly, it appears that robots will take a large number of jobs from humans. You have presented some interesting, thought provoking information for individuals as well as the business world to ponder.

  2. R2 and Unimate are prime examples of the way businesses are headed in the future. This can be a good or bad thing. On the positive side, robots such as R2 that can travel into space, reduces the chances of human beings going out and risking their lives. Also, instead of men and women slaving over an assembly line, these robots can now do all of the work. Like you mentioned Unimate framing cars, an automobile manufacturer can greatly increase production, while reducing payroll costs. The major downside to using robots is of course they will take away jobs from millions of people. As of right now, there is no win-win situation as to whether or not to use robots.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I believe that the key to success in business right now is technology. A robot is not the way to go as far as trying to make businesses more efficient for their consumers. Space missions are a whole other issue that demands protection and safety for the purpose of exploration which makes since to replace with robots. In our society I guess what you have to ask yourself is who you would trust more to build a car for you, a computer or a mechanic that has been working on them for years. Since the beginning of time there have been more innovations that have replaced workers with machines. I think that this is a way of totally replacing jobs and workforce we currently have. With our economy in the shape it is in we cannot afford for this to go on.

  5. "ULMCIS3050" is group "Berry's Back Corner"

  6. I believe robots will not over take humans. They are just tools created by humans to make our lifes easier. True, robots are responsible for the loss of thousands of manufacturing jobs, but at the same time they also saved thousands of jobs by protecting the companies from bankruptcy. If a company can't stay competitive in the industry, it will be force to cut labors and eventually shut down, which in turn would creates a greater disaster.
    However, robots are taking over majority of the manual labors done by humans. I guess that's the reason why in today's society more and more employees are knowledge workers.

  7. Detroit right now is like a third-world country. No manufacturing jobs...very few jobs, period. Blocks of apartments are vacant and the last surviving working people never come out after dark. due to the high crime. That being said, robots are not the cause of unemployment; the choices people make cause unemployment. Robots are integral to science, industry, and space exploration and are only as useful as we make them. Any level of job protectionism spurred by the irrational fear that robots may take over, will only serve to slow down future growth and development that may save lives and help secure nations and environments.

  8. Even though the robots do a faster, cheaper, more efficient job than humans, they are causing us to lose our jobs. This gives a competitive advantage to companies and their products, but not to society. In the future unemployment will rise, crime will go up, and human interaction will cease to exist. Jordan Greggs, Allison Fletcher, Kristin Childress, Fabio Ribeiro, Lila Doherty.
